Steubenville Florida
Youth Conference
June 26 -29, 2025

What is a steubenville youth conference?
Conference Fee
Meals & Snacks
*Ice Breaker Activity
T-shirt for each day
Hotel (2-4 youth per room)
*Transportation (vehicle)
* Subject to change
Thurs, June 26– Leave St Peter
*Ice Breaker Experience
Fri, June 27—Conference
Sat, June 28—Conference
Sun, June 29—Conference & Home
High school students (rising freshmen to graduating seniors) are invited to attend the Steubenville Florida Youth Conference June 26-29, 2025.
The weekend is packed with dynamic talks, praise and worship, adoration, prayer, fellowship, and entertainment.
St. Peter received a very generous donation to assist in taking teens to this awesome experience.
This year we can take the first 8 teens to submit their deposit. Once the spots are taken, additional spots will depend on conference tickets and hotel room availability.
The cost is $1100 .00. St Peter Parishioner Cost $400.00.

*Ice Breaker Activity:
Over the years we found that having a free day for the teens to get to know each other creates a much better Conference experience for them.
We will rent Luxury SUV's for transportation.
If you have any questions please contact Christine in the Parish Office.
561-575-0837 x2005