Who: Children entering grades 1 through 5 in the fall
What: Sing, dance, play instruments, ring handbells, learn Bible stories and make crafts. The children will be placed in groups and rotate among various activity stations.
Where: St. Peter Parish Hall
When: June 26-30, 2023. The children will be signed into the parish hall at 9:30am on Monday through Friday and gather for prayer and song-time together. Pick up is at Noon.
Register your child for VBS music week! The cost is $100 for the week. The deadline to sign up is June 15, 2023.
Youth entering grades 6 through 12 can apply to be VBS music week helpers here.
Adult volunteers are needed to assist at the various stations, apply here.
All volunteers aged 18 and older will be background screened and fingerprinted per the guidelines of the Diocese.
At the end of VBS (11:30am on Friday), the children will present a performance featuring some of the music and songs they have learned, accompanied by professional musicians.