Message from Bishop Barbarito
Call to Prayer and Support – California Fires
January 15, 2025
At this time, we join in prayer for all those affected in such a devastating manner by the raging fires in the communities of Los Angeles, California. Thousands have lost, and continue to lose, their homes, livelihoods, churches, schools, communities, and even their lives and loved ones. We also pray for the firefighters and first responders and all who are reaching out to assist at this most difficult time.
Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles has stated that we do not know why these disasters happen, but that God holds each of us in His loving hands and that love is what is asked of us at this challenging moment. As the family of the Diocese of Palm Beach, we reach out in love through our prayers and support at this time.
Catholic Charities USA has launched a dedicated disaster relief donation campaign donation page and all funds raised will assist those displaced or suffering due to these fires. Information can also be found on our Diocesan website and the website of our Catholic Charities ministry.